Monday, January 20, 2014

If it quacks like a duck...

Once again He lands hisself in hot water but he throws the blame on everyone else. Many people contributed to an investigation that is still on going where he is targeted for fraud, identity theft and much more. This morning I woke to phone calls, texts and FB msgs from many people both friend and strangers sending me links to an article. And all I can do is shake my head.

I want to shout with glee that he is once again being outed. But whats the point? As a master manipulator he will find his way out of this again. Innocent people will be the ones who pay the price. My children and I always pay the price for the stunts he pulls. I made the mistake of commenting on someones post about it. I stated a fact not directly related to the article, and not long after I recieved a msg from him telling me he was getting me for slander. I didnt respond to him. Its not slander if its the truth and at this very moment thousands of people are working towards exposing him.

So what does this mean for my children and I? No doubt tomorrow when the kids go to school they will be targeted by other children about this. Children whose parents do not like Him or who dont like me just because I was connected to him, well they will tell their kids about this and have their kids confront my children about it. My kids are the ones who will be hurt by this. And theres nothing I can do. The only thing I could do is pack them up and move far away from here and never admit to any connection to him once we find a new place to live. But I cant do that because he has his illegal grimy hands hooked into me through custody with the kids. He gets visitation and I cant take the kids away from him because it would mess up the visitation. All I can do is wish he would decide to forget about the kids and let them go. Or maybe, just maybe justice will prevail for once and he would end up in prison. If he is in prison how could he stop me from moving away?

If I had the money I would go back to court right now and fight for full custody with him getting nothing but supervised visitation on rare occasions so that way the children and I could move. So my children wont be forced to hear his lies and suffer his verbal mind fuck abuse. I cant take out a loan big enough to cover the costs for a lawyer that I would need for this court battle. So unless money appeared out of no where or if I won the lotto, well the kids and I are screwed. It makes me feel like a failure that I cant protect my kids from his bs.

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